
Exploring Intuitive UX Design

Phasellus mattis nisl sit amet neque hendrerit, eu vulputate libero sollicitudin. Fusce condimentum maximus dolor. Praesent diam risus, sollicitudin sit amet blandit non, tempor sit amet elit. Nam ac enim dolor.Duis porttitor accumsan orci, a imperdiet sapien semper quis. Cras libero justo, consectetur sit amet ligula id, maximus faucibus nulla. Aliquam eros ipsum, blandit non risus id, pellentesque tincidunt enim. Nam egestas ornare molestie. Vestibulum posuere efficitur erat, vel consectetur lorem euismod molestie. Duis a efficitur lacus. Suspendisse elementum at risus id sodales. Donec accumsan non sem quis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I activate Vipps payments?
You need an agreement with Vipps to receive payments. Once that's in place, we will arrange for your members to pay via Vipps through the portal, during registration and when they choose Vipps afterward.
What does “advanced membership invoicing” entail? 
You can divide the fee into several parts (e.g., base fee, course fee, and additional services) on one invoice, with specific prices. 
How does self-service consent work? 
Members log into the portal and update their own consents. Everything is stored automatically, and you avoid manual follow-up. 
Can I send a single invoice for multiple course participants? 
Yes, you can either send individual invoices or a single invoice to, for example, an employer. 
Is it possible to have both individuals and companies as members? 
Yes, the system differentiates them in the database, but you manage them in the same system. 

Do you have more questions, or do you just want to get started? Click here and sign up for the webinar!